

spread; diffuse; scatter; emanate; scattering; radiate


'phro/ 'phro/ 'phros sam phro/ phros/


{MV}visAra; {MV}visaraNa


Check tenses. Thumi, p.168, has: 'phro / 'phro ('phros) / phro / phros {T}


dus. skabs. Stein.


remainder, permeate, progress, continuation, process, resume, emanate, break, discursive, to be left over, uncompleted, to shine, radiate, emanate, the arising of thoughts, to spread out


1) [be] emanate[d] radiate[d] shine, emit, give off, be sent forth, stream forth; 

2) [be] discursive[ness] [be] distracted[ness]; 

3) remainder, remnant, residue, residual, [something] extra, left-over (/ [make] project[ions], occur, generate, move, diffuse, wander, think, break, gap, interruption, moment, penetrating, all-pervasive/ pervading, divergent practices, continu[ation]; 

4) stop doing


1) [about thoughts] to be discursive, distracted, making projection, occur, generate, move, diffused, [Syn. {'gyu ba, 'char ba}, to wander, to think.

2) [about light etc] to be emanated, sent out, forth, radiated, streaming forth. 

3) break, gap, interruption, a moment. 

4) remnant, residual, extra, residue. 

5) [Syn. ཁྱབ་པ penetrating, all-pervasive, all-pervading. 

6) to wander. 

7) divergent practices, emanate, break, discursive, movement of thought, making projections, discursive, emanate, see also འཕྲོས past tense of. remnant, residual, extra, residue; in the process of; flow. occurrence, discursive. 

ex ལས་ཀྱི་བྱེད་འཕྲོprojects uncompleted, 

གོསཀྱིགོའཕྲོ clothes unworn, {zas kyi za 'phro} food uneaten. nyi ma kha shas gi 'phro nas - a few days later