

basis; ground; base; foundation; locus; bases; phenomenon


{C}root; fudamental; storehouse; word; step; foot


nidAna. pada. mUla. vastu. AdhAra. Alaya


{MSA,MV}*; {MSA,MV}*; {MSA}vastutas; {MV}vastutva; {N}adhikaraNa; {TN}*; {TN}*; {C}vilaya; {L,MSA}*; {MSA,MV}*; {MSA}mtshan gshi = lakSya; sthApana; bhAva


[2417] ... 1) sa cha dang/ gnas yul/ ... khyim gzhi/ ... sa gzhi/ ... yul gzhi/ ... gnas gzhi/ ... 2) rtsa ba dang/ ngo ma/ ... rmang gzhi/ ... rten gzhi/ ... ma gzhi/ ... tshos gzhi/ ... dngos gzhi/ ... gzhi gcig du mar spro ba/ ... gzhi 'cha' ba/ ... 3) dngos po dang/ chos/ ... khyad gzhi/ ... mtshan gzhi/ ... bslab gzhi/ ... rtsod gzhi/ ... gyod gzhi/ ... 4) rgyu dang/ sa bon/ ... nad gzhi/ ... yong gzhi/ ... 'byung gzhi/ ... gzhi ci las gyur pa/ ... gzhi med par 'bras bu mi yong/ ...


dhAna. pratiSThA. bhUmi. adhiSThAna. Azraya


groundwork, basis. ཀློང་ཆེན་པ 12.17, etc. Germano, Poetic Thought 830.


basic, primary, groups, foundation, whole of given, ground of one's being, fundamental stuff, ground, SA དམིགས་པའི་གཞི, that which gives origin to a thing, (original, exciting) cause, root, seed, floor, residence, abode, home, axiom, proposition, contents, tenor, support, base, principle, ground of being, basis, ground of being, foundation


1) place [Khyim gzhi,//sa gzhi,//yul gzhi,//gnas gzhi]; 

2) root, origin [rmang gzhi,//rten gzhi,//ma gzhi,//tshos gzhi,//dngos gzhi,//gzhi gcig du mar spro ba,//gzhi 'cha' ba]; 

3) thing dharma [khyad gzhi,//mtshan gzhi,//bslab gzhi,//rtsod gzhi,//gyod gzhi]; 4) cause, seed [nad gzhi,//yong gzhi,//'byung gzhi,//gzhi ci las gyur pa,//gzhi med par 'bras bu mi yong,//. source of, basis, ground, referent, object, objective support, {dngos po - foundation, basis, ground, basic ground, basic nature, (syn buddha nature, {de gshegs snying po ka dag klong rig pa'i klong}. 

1) place [R]; 2) root, origin [R]; 3) thing dharma [R]; 4) cause, seed [R] source of, basis, ground, referent, object, objective support, foundation, basic ground, basic nature,[R]


[positive sense] ground (of being); ground aspect (of); isvfc. matrix [negative sense] basis/ foundation


1) basis; source, basis; foundation, basis, base, basic [ground]. 

2) Syn དོན referent, the object, objective support. Syn དངོས་པོ 

3) ground (of being); ground aspect; ground, basic ground, basic nature. Syn buddhanature. Syn {de gshegs snying po ka dag klong rig pa'i klong} 

4) to form a basis for, a source of; matters; to cause, ex. {+r gyur} which causes. which is the foundation. fundamental state; 

5) basic; foundational, ground-, fundamental. substratum [ggd].  རྩོད་གཞི- the subject of the debate [ggd]