

basis of debate


[2233] 1) rtsod pa yong rkyen/ ... 2) rtags gsal 'god skabs kyi bsgrub bya'i chos bsgrub pa'i gzhi chos can nam rgol phyi rgol gnyis kyis rtsod pa'i gzhi/ dper na/ sgra chos can/ zhes brjod pa lta bu'o/ ming gi rnam grangs la rjes su dpag par bya ba'i gzhi/ dpag gzhi/ bsgrub gzhi/ shes 'dod chos can phyogs chos kyi phyogs rnams so/ ...


subject of disputation, basis of contention, subject, issue


1) cause of dispute; 2) matter/ basis/ subject of debate [Rtags gsal 'god skabs kyi dharma to be established bsgrub pa'i gzhi chos can nam subject of debate for both debaters, EG, the dharmin sound, [= rjes su dpag par bya ba'i gzhi, dpag gzhi, bsgrub gzhi, shes 'dod chos can phyogs chos kyi phyogs TSE]. cause/ matter/ basis/ subject of debate/ quarrel/ controversy/ dispute


basis/ focus of debate/ disputation


topic for debate [thd]. matter of dispute, basis, subject of debate. the subject of the debate [ggd]
