

hard; heavy [=sra ba] {Lati}; fierce; strong


tIvra. pragADha. ugra


{MSA}*; {MSA}*; {MSA}*


[1315] 1 ... .1) ( མངོན) 1/lcags spre lo/ ... 

2/lha dbang phyug chen po'i ming gi rnam grangs la ma skyes rkang gcig dang drag po sogs bcu gcig yod pas grangs bcu gcig mtshon/ ... 2) drag po'i gzungs sngags/ ... 2.zhi 'jam ma yin pa'i btsan shugs che ba/ ... spyod lam drag po/ ... zhi drag gnyis 'pher gyi yon tan tshang ba/ ... kha rdung drag po btang nas sma 'bebs byed pa/ ... lag gnyis dam por bzung nas shugs brgyab ste drag tu 'then pa/ ... gsol ba drag po 'debs pa/ ...


In the Eng. does heavy = sra ba? More likely it's hard=sra ba {SW}


kaTuka. tIkSNa. niSThura. raudra. uttapta


acute, intense, cruel, ruthless, stern, severe, terrible, sharp, violent, radical, fierce, fearful, terrific deity, immediacy, ardent, subjugation, wrathful activity, drastic, enemy, intense wrath, wrathful, type of lha, fierce, harsh, strong, destroying, 1 of 4 'phrin las bzhi, ferocity, suppress with some force, strong


1) Raudra, (54th year, the male iron monkey); 

2) deity dbang phyug chen po; 

3) 11 [since there are 11 wrathful deities among the 33]; 2) wrathful mantra and dharani; 2) strong, force [not gentle and peaceful] fierce, wrathful, powerful, ardent, intense, forceful rites, immediacy, destroying [one of the {phrin las bzhi/lnga: 4/5 activities]. 1) Raudra, (54th year, the male iron monkey; 2) deity དབང་ཕྱུག་ཆེན་པོ; 3) 11; 2) wrathful mantra and dharani; 2) strong, force * fierce, wrathful, powerful, ardent, intense, forceful rites, immediacy, destroying * (30 armed, military


wrath(ful); fervent/ intense


1) strong; violent, fierce, serious, severe, wrathful, powerful, wrath. 

2) Raudra, [54th year, the Male Iron Monkey]. 

3) Shiva; Rudra. 

4) subjugating, forceful rites; destroying; one of the ཕྲིན་ལས་ལྔ, the five activities. 

5) immediacy, ardent, intense, fervent/ intense
