

verb: extend; fill; spread; increase; furtheradjective: extensive; broad; wide; full


{C}broad; in full; in detail; singleness; compact; well-developed; thick; muscular; full (of); fullness (of); fulfilled; complete; fully developed; large


{L}vipula; {L}vistareNa; {C}pUrNa; {L}Rtaktva; {C}cita; {C}pIna


wideness, increase, bloom, to flourish, thrive, increase, nurturing, 1 of 'phrin las bcu


1) be vigorous, flourish, enrich, thrive, prosper; 

2) swell, rise, overflow [rivers/ water], compact, develop, spread, promote, large, increase, extend, expand, bloom, multiply, in full bloom, muscular, vast, extensive, detailed, broad, lush, full, rite of enrichment [Gd], luxuriant, brightened, rise, go up, be well developed/ advanced, increasing [one of the * ཕྲིན་ལས་རྣམ་བཞི* = the four activities]; 

3) vast [an attribute of skillful means in contrast to profound which is an attribute of discriminative awareness [gd]. 

1) be vigorous, flourish, enrich, thrive, prosper; 

2) swell, rise, overflow [rivers/ water], compact, develop, spread, promote, large, increase, extend, expand, bloom, multiply, in full bloom, muscular, vast, extensive, detailed, broad, lush, full, rite of enrichment [Gd], luxuriant, brightened, rise, go up, be well developed/ advanced, increasing; 

3) vast; 

4) by a trap/ net


bloom; 1) vi. to be vigorous, to flourish, enrich, to thrive, to prosper. 

2) vi. to swell, to rise, to overflow [as with rivers / water], compact, to develop, spread, promote, large, increase, extend, expand, bloom, multiply, in full bloom, muscular, vast, extensive, detailed, broad, lush, full, rite of enrichment, luxuriant, brightened, rise, go up, to be well developed / advanced. ཡེ་ཤེསརྒྱས fully developed wisdom. increasing, one of the ཕྲིན་ལས་རྣམ་བཞི the four activities