

good qualities; good quality; virtue; attainment; quality


{C}advantage; virtuous act; infinite qualities




{LCh,C.MV,MSA}*; {C}guNAnta



1) rig gnas shes pa'i khyad chos/ ... yon tan khyad par can/ ... yon tan gyi nus pa/ ... yon tan slob pa/ ... yon tan sbyong ba/ ... yon tan la mnga' brnyes pa/ ... dran rgya che yang yon tan chung ba/ ... yon tan yod kyang med mdog byed pa/ ... yon tan yod pas ma spyad na/ zhing la so nam ma byas 'dra/ ... 

2) (mngon) rdul dang/ mun pa/ snying stobs kyi yon tan gsum yod pas grangs gsum mtshon/ ...


guna, value, quality, precious qualities, inherent spiritual forces, positive traits, capacities, skill, merit, virtues, ability, knowledge, excellences, learning, education, self-culture, rich inner world, capabilities (rtsal creativity, rgyan adornment, rol pa playfulness), accomplishments, achievements, knowledge, good quality, taste, effect, valuable properties, attainments, knowledge, positive qualities, good qualities, qualifications, qualified, qualities


1) attributes, good quality, excellence, taste, effect, virtue, gunas [of Samkhya]; 

2) skill, ability, power to, capabilities, talents; 

3) med. term. secondary quality; 

4) attainment, achievement, accomplishment; 

5) valuable property; 

6) learning, knowledge; 

6) objects, properties; 

7) praise TSE; 

8) taste, effect; 

9) three


enlightened/ positive quality/ property


acquirement, skill, arts. quality [thd]. 

1) attributes, good quality, excellence, taste, effect, virtue, accomplishment. 

2) skill, ability. Syn ནུས་རྩལ 

3) medical term. secondary quality, capability, capabilities, talents, attainment, achievement. 

4) valuable property. 

5) learning, knowledge; education. 

6) objects, properties. 

7) praise. (positive) quality; qualities, capabilities, talents; knowledge; enlightened attributes. offering, a present, gift, offering, fee, benefit, to repay. positive traits {nor ni yon tan kun gyi srog yin zhes} 'wealth is the lifeblood of all positive traits,' they say. x {rgyal po'i yon tan dang sbyin pa'i snyan grags} the fame of the king's wisdom and generosity. accomplishments x {gzhan gyi yon tan dang grags pa la phrag dog che ba} most jealous of the accomplishments and prominence of others. spiritual qualities
