

verb: support; depend; relynoun: basis; support; base


{C}supported; in dependence on; leans on; based upon; inhabiting; dwell on in the mind; puts his trust in; flees back to; returns to; runs back to; shelter; protection; going; route; destiny; resort; where it has gone to; means of salvation; departure; situation; place of rebirth; goal; depend on; contain; hold; what is founded; receptacle; physical/bodily basis; body; foundation; by resorting to (as a foundation)


brten/ rten/ brtend/ rtend/


nizraya. nizritya. pratisaraNa. saMnizraya. adhiSThAna. AdhAra. Azraya


{LCH,C,MSA}*; {C,MSA}nizrita; {L}*; {MSA}*; {MSA}*; {C}vy-apa-Azrayate; {MSA}*; {MSA}pratiSThA; {MSA,N}*; {C}AdheyatA; {C}pratisarati; {MSA}*; {C}trANa; {C}gati; {MV}dhRti


[1072] 1. rten pa'i skul tshig 2 ... .1) gzhi'am/ gnas sa/ ... 'tsho rten/ ... khral rten/ ... dmag. [1073] ... dmigs rten/ ... mi'i lus rten/ ... lha rten/ ... 2) skyes kyi rten/ ... skyabs rten/ ... mjal rten/ ... zhu rten/ ...


Comment: one of the similar associations (?) (mtshungs ldan lnga); for others see: mtshungs ldan


'reminder' (Dagyab), support, prop, dependency, object of veneration. Skt. Azraya, nizraya, etc.


basis, support, object, representation, seat, dwelling place, reliance, base, shrine, sacred, temple, because of, due to, owing to, because, for, working basis (the most precious human body and mind with the 3 kinds of confidence), being-there and being-oneself, situation, substratum, relic in shape of stupa or god that originated from parts of the corpse during cremation, hold, locative case, that which holds or contains or supports a thing


support [a technical term for physical embodiments of enlightened body, speech or mind], a hold, base, basis, foundation, site, dwelling place, abode, an individual, physical form, ordination, means of salvation, what is founded, cultivation, receptacle, representation, shrine, holy object, object of worship, depend on, have recourse to, symbol; physical form, body; 1. Rten pa! ; 1) object/ person w a certain characteristic, place something is ['Tsho rten,...Khral rten,...Dmag rten,...Dmigs rten,...Mi'i lus rten,...Lha rten...Skyabs rten,...Mjal rten,...Zhu rten]. support *, a hold, base, basis, prop, foundation, site, dwelling place, abode, individual, physical form, ordination, means of salvation, what is founded, cultivation, receptacle, representation, shrine, holy object, object of worship, depend/ rely on, have recourse to, symbol, physical form, body, Rten pa!


support(ing element of a mandala); (working) basis; foundation; representation (iso. image/ statute); isc. context (that allows for . . . ); isc. matrix (esp. to distinguish from rten med)


imp. of {རྟེན་པ}; support, basis, foundation, site, dwelling place, abode; physical form, body; ordination; re presentation, shrine, holy object, object of worship; to depend on, have recourse to; symbol; a shrine/ a support, prop/ to depend on, rely upon; support(ing element of a mandala); (working) basis; offering; "support", a technical term for physical embodiments of enlightened body, speech or mind, a hold, support, base, support, basis, foundation, site, dwelling place, abode, an individual, physical form, ordination, means of salvation, what is founded, cultivation, receptacle, representation, shrine, holy object, object of worship, to depend on, have recourse to, symbol; བཟོད་པའི་རྟེན - catalyst for developing patience