

[644] ... 1) chu bya'i bye brag cig ... ston mtshams ngang pa lhor 'gro/ ... ming gi rnam grangs la mkha' lding dkar po dang/ grong 'joms/ mchu rkang dmar ba/ dra ba'i rkang ldan/ ma dros gnas/ mtsho'i bya/ yul 'khor 'dzin/ lus dkar bcas so/ 2) mdog li hang/ ...




For the simile of the goose that can separate the milk out of water, see MahAyAnasamgraha, chap. 1, verse 49, for example. = ngang skya, bya khyung dkar po, ngur pa dkar po, 'gor po'i lag ldan. JD 258. At times in sUtras, it means a red-yellow color. Silk, Dissert. 378.


base, bad, disgusting, abominable, duck, wild goose, swan, male goose, swan, yellowish color, cream color, waterfowl


1) swan, goose, duck; 2) yellow ochre [color])/ [in the manner of a swan who easily associates without a male- female relationship, so is the discipline which associates without ties and the skillful means which causes sentient beings to reach the happiness of liberation through compassion and loving kindness [syn: mkha' lding dkar po dang, grong 'joms, mchu rkang dmar ba, dra ba'i rkang ldan, ma dros gnas, mtso'i bya, yul 'khor 'dzin, lus dkar] [Gd-mk]


1) wild goose, duck, swan. 

2) yellow ochre