

scripture; oral transmission; passage; precept; injunction; spiritual instruction


canonical text; coming; {GD:748} verbal testimony




{LCh,MSA}*; {MSA}upadeza


[2785] ... 1) yu ba'am a lung/ ... bum pa'i lung/ ... khog ma'i lung/ ... lung mig ... lung thag ... lung thag ske la brgyus pa/ ... 2) gzhung dang gsung/ ... 'dul ba'i lung/ ... bka' lung/ ... lung tshig ... lung gi yon tan/ ... lung dang rigs pa/ ... lung dang rtogs pa/ ... lung klog pa/ ... lung 'don pa/ ... lung gtong ba/ ... lung phog pa/ ... lung rgyun 'bogs pa/ ... lung thob pa/ ... lung 'dren pa/ ... lung gis sgrub pa/ ... lung dang 'gal ba/ ... lung gi tshad ma/ ... 3) lung bstan gyi bsdus tshig ... lung zhu ba/ ... lung 'bebs/ ...


scriptural authority


reading-permission, * (for a certain view), authority. Oral transmission of a text (permission for study). Skt. *. Oral textual transmissions. 1. Reading authorization. 2. Transmission of a method. 3. More or less secret orally transmitted teachings. As a materia medica term, see chu rtsi mo.. ZZ = glo ba. 'lung' (the English word!) Bru II 291.5.


shastra, stamp, handle, tradition, precepts, (-, reading) transmission, instruction, permission, scripture, sacred story, epic, text, prophecy, scriptural (tradition, authority), behest, authorization from hearing text, read aloud, holder, carrying sling, bent handle, strap of a vessel, basket, injunction, spiritual exhortation, admonition, esoteric teachings, texts in which experiences of the masters are expressed with regard to the teachings, texts extracted from rgyud, sacred authority, agama, scriptural authorization, quotations


[authoritative] text, epic, [reading] transmission, *, scripture, reading strap, quotation, very hidden pramana {shin tu lkog gyur gyi tshad ma} GD valley, text, the tradition [of scriptures], sacred story, tale, prophecy, textual authorization, precepts TSE holder, sling, words spoken by respected persons. [authoritative] text, epic, [reading] transmission, textual authorization, *, reading strap, quotation, very hidden pramana * GD valley, [the tradition of] scripture, sacred story, tale, prophecy, textual authorization, commentary/ instruction/ precepts TSE holder, sling, words spoken by respected persons


(explanatory) scripture; (scriptural/ oral) transmission; isc. spiritual teachings


1) Scriptural transmission. Reading transmission. The transmission of authorization to study a scripture by listening to it being read aloud. 2 )Scripture, statement (mdo). a scripture belonging to the category of Anu Yoga or Ati Yoga. 3) citation, quotation, the sayings of, statement, passage. 1) agama, statements; scriptural authorization; sacred precept, authorization; scripture; scriptural; scriptural transmission; scriptures; transmission, authoritative texts, epic, reading transmission, text, *, scriptures, reading transmission, the scriptures, quotation, scriptural citation, tradition, *, tradition of scriptures, *, sacred story, tale, prophecy, transmission, textual authorization, precepts. 2) valley, land; 3) handle; strap. * [thd]. rope. Lung, at Nyanang, in Latö