

[2755] 1) las ka lag thog tu len pa/ ... lag len yang dag bstar ba/ ... lag len lhod med/ ... lag len tshod lta/ ... kha gtam g.yu 'brug skad las che/ lag len nam mkha'i 'ja' ltar yal/ ... 2) srol rgyun/ ... lag rtsal gyi lag len bzang por mig dpe blta ba/ ... 3) lag pas 'dzin pa/ ... me mda' lag len byed skabs yid gzab ma byas na stong mda' shor yong/ ...


practical procedures (in religion, law, math, crafts, etc.).


to take in hand, exercise, practice, process, practical knowledge, rubrics, practicing, putting into practice


tradition, custom, grasp w the hand, engage in, [put into practice, application, what 1 does, rubrics, * [phyugs gso lag len yog ma red: they don't raise cattle/ livestock; gzhi gnas lag len: practice shamatha]. 

1) work lag thog tu len pa; 

2) tradition; 

3) grasp w the hand, practice, application, what 1 does, rubrics (actually engage in take in hand [h] {phyag bzhes}


rubrics; application, what one does [actually]. to engage in. to take in hand, tradition. Syn {phyag bzhes}; practice; to engage in, to take in hand, tradition. Syn {phyag bzhes} application, what one does [actually]. procedure, application, handling; ritualistic procedures
