

capacity; manifest capacity; dexterity; power


[2216] nus pa'am stobs/ ... lus rtsal 'gran pa/ ... ngag rtsal sbyong ba/ ... rig rtsal phul du byung ba/ ... gshog rtsal ldan pa/ ... rang gi nus rtsal bton nas rang 'khri'i las 'gan sgrub pa/ ...




special power (of abstract things), special skill (of people). In terms of Three Bodies, it is identified with the Complete Assets Body (SambhogakAya). See also rol pa. "potency." Norbu, Cycle. Energy manifested on the "subjects"'s side as distinguished from rol pa, which is energy manifested on the "object"'s side. Norbu, Dzog Chen and Zen 27. Germano, Poetic Thought 866, translates 'dynamism, dynamics, creative efflorescence.' rtogs pa la nyams kyi rtsal myi 'tshar myi srid gsung (he said, 'It hardly possible that the special powers of meditative experience would not abound during realizations.'). Zhi-byed Coll. II 330.4.


expressive power


external energy, skill, working, functioning, function, existential dynamics, potency, power, creativity, external projection, reflection, powers of manifestation, dexterity, adroitness, very powerful, prowess, adroit, conch shell, trumpet, manifestative power, expression, manifestation, strength, acrobatics, energy, mighty, feat, stunt, manifestative power of the ultimate mind, exterior manifestation of energy, capacity of energy to project itself externally just as a crystal illuminated by a ray of light has the capacity to project infinite rainbow colored rays around itself, reflective capacity, objectifying energy of potentiality of manifestation, SA thugs rje, dynamic energy, display-energy, expression, *, Tsal energy


1) skill, dexterity, adroitness, accomplishment, power, energy, creativity, strength, resourcefulness, might; 

2) expression, function, manifesting power, {gdangs}, potency, capacity, potential, ability; 

3) physical skill, play [Lus rtsal 'gran pa,...Ngag rtsal sbyong ba,...Rig rtsal phul du byung ba,...Gshog rtsal ldan pa,...Rang gi nus rtsal bton nas rang 'khri'i las 'gan sgrub pa] power[ful], manifestation, strength, acrobatics, energy, mighty. 1) skill, dexterity, adroitness, accomplishment, power[ful], energy, creativity, strength, resourcefulness, might[y]; 

2) expression, function,, manifestation, manifesting power, {gdangs}, potency, capacity, potential, ability; 

3) physical skill, play *, acrobatics ([IW]


dynamic energy (of being)*


creative play/power, resourcefulness, display, creativity, agility, manifestation, display; power[ful], manifestation, strength, acrobatics, energy, mighty. 

1) skill, dexterity, adroitness, accomplishment, power, energy, creativity, strength, resourcefulness, might. 

2) expression, function, manifesting power, [sm. {གདངས}. potency, capacity, potential, ability. 

3) physical skill, play. * or energy. creative; dynamic energy (of being); energy, creative energy, potentiality; potential; expression/ powerful