

[2061] sdod sa dang nyal sa/ ... sdod mal/ ... gnas mal/ ... mtshan mo mal du nyal/ ... zhogs pa mal nas langs/ ... dgong mal phab pa/ ... mkhar 'di rtsa ba nas bshig la sa sa mal dang/ rdo rdo mal du skyol cig ... ming gi rnam grangs la nyal mal dang/ nyal sa/ mal stan/ gzims sa bcas so/




a clan. Btsan-lha. In Zhi-byed Coll. one often finds the expression bde mal, 'comfortable bed,' to mean 'a good place to be.' Example: Simply having extricated oneself from desiring thoughts is a good place to be, since the ultimate result of ulterior desire is suffering. 'dod blo cig pu thongs pas / des bde mal 'chos pa yin te / zhe 'dod kyi mtha' sdug bsngal yin pa'i phyir ro. Zhi-byed Coll. V 174.7.


place in tibet, bedstead, place of rest, couch, place where a thing is, situation, site, trace, vestige, bed


bed, seat, practice place/ seat, sleeping place, mat, couch, resting place, place where something is, situation of something, cart-track, trace, place one is staying [syn: nyal mal dang, nyal sa, mal stan, gzims sa]. bed[stead], couch, seat, practice place/ seat, sleeping /resting place, place/ site where something is/ 1 is staying, situation of something, cart-track, trace, vestige Mal: place *, sleep, go to bed


bed; resting place/ place of rest


bed, seat, practice place / seat, sleeping place, mat, couch, resting place. somewhere to live