

high; elevated


{C}prominent; superior




[1217] ... 1) mthe bong gi rtse nas gung mo'i rtse bar gyi ring tshad/ ... 'jim sku mtho gang ba/ ... mdzub mtho/ ... gung mtho/ ... ras cha mtho do/ ... 2) sor mo bcu gnyis kyi zheng tshad/ ...


'span.' the distance from the extended thumb to the tip of the middle finger, = cha chen. Jackson. Vitali, Tho.ling 66. The bde bar gshegs pa'i mtho gang, 'span of the TathAgata' is a measurement equivalent to 1 and 1 half cubits of a medium sized man, in vinaya terminology (this acc. to Dalai Lama XIV, Advice from Buddha Shakyamuni; Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Sisters in Solitude, p. 160, says it is equivalent to 1 foot and 2 inches). BA 624. Stein.


altar of piled-up stones, span from tip of thumb to tip of extended middle finger, SA mtho ba, span, high


"span" [the distance from the extended thumb to the tip of the middle finger, {cha chen} (comp of {mtho po}; high, exalted, uplifted, superior, higher, upper. 1) high, tall; 2) especially high/ fine [comp mtho po]; 3) span from thumb to middle finger extended. 1) distance from the end of the thumb to gung mo'i rtse * 12 finger "span"; 2) exalted, uplifted, superior, high[er], upper)


height; high/ to exceed; lofty, steep; lofty/ steppes; above; "span", the distance from the extended thumb to the tip of the middle finger, a synonym for cha chen. adj. comp. of {mtho po} span from thumb to middle finger when extended, high, exalted, uplifted, superior, higher, up per