

teach; show; demonstrate; indicatenoun: teaching; taught


{C}view; false view; being seen; exhibiting; exhibition; act of gazing; definite statement; definition; teaches; speaks; says; declares; what has been taught; aid; is pointed out; is recognized; is expounded; is explained; explain; exposition; desquisition; description; explained; mentioned; declared; expounded; pointed out; explains; describes; points to; make known; religion; annunciation; tale; communication; announced; proclaimed


བསྟནསྟོན bstand stond


dezanA. dezita. nirdiSTa. nirdeza. bhASita. zAsana. apadeza. AkhyAta. uddeza. upadeza


{MSA}*; {MV,MSA}*; {MSA}upadezikatva; {MSA,MV}*; {MSA}*; {C}nirdizati (=kathyamAnAyAH = nirdeSTum); {C,MSA}*; {C,MV}nirdizyate; {C,MSA}* {C}(=niyatam = tasya te pratirUpo 'yam upadezaH); {C,MSA}*; {C}*; {C}AkhyAna; {C}sAnAthya; {C}*; {C}bhASate (=AbhASate); {MSA}darzana; {C}dRSTi; {C,MSA}saMdarzana; {C}saMdarzanatA; {C}nidarzana; {L}pravedita; {MSA}anuziSTa; {C,MSA}*; {MV}paridIpitaM bhavati; {MSA}udita; {MSA}praNIta; jJApita


[1126] 1. ston pa'i 'das pa dang ma 'ongs pa/ 2. lung dang rtogs pa'i bdag nyid can gyi chos/ ... sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa/ ... bstan pa yongs su nyams pa/ ... bstan pa gsal byed/ ... bstan pa gnas pa/ ... bstan pa snub pa/ ...


nirUpita. nir-/diz:nirdizyate. paridIpita. pari-/dIp:paridIpayati. prakAzana. prakAzanA. prakAzita. prakAzitA. saMprakAzanA. saMprakAzayat. saMprakAzita. saMprakhyAna. samAkhyAta. vaktavya. varNita. vikhyApana. vibhAvanatA. uddiSTa. upadarzana. upa-/dRz:upadarzayat. upa-/dRz:upadarzayet. vyapadiSTa. vyapadeza


teaching, religion, doctrine, doctrinal teaching, system of doctrines, point out, directed, facing, shown, the doctrine or teaching of the Buddha, demonstration, to treat, to show, reveal, to be indicated by, to disclose, to display, to face toward, to transmit, transmitted


སྟོན teach[ings], explain, show [expound, present, illustrate, point out, mention, manifest, display, indicate, direct, face, spell out, be visible/ manifest, taught, explained, shown, pointed out, demonstrate the teachings, Buddhism, doctrine, presentation (in text classifications, communication, description, doctrine. [p f སྟོན་པ, dharmas of scripture and realization]. teach[ings], instruct[ion], showed [p  སྟོན]


teachings; demonstration


1) pf. of སྟོན་པབསྟན་པ; ft. of སྟོན་པབསྟན་པ; to teach, explain, expound, present, illustrate, demonstrate, indicate, point out, mention, manifest, display, show, direct, face, spell out, be visible. manifest, reveal; point, show, display, bring to light; taught, revealed; explained, shown, pointed out, demonstrated. 

2) what is shown; *; doctrine, presentation, communication, description, 

3) the Buddhist teachings, Buddhism, the doctrine
