

probandum; proven; that which is to be proven; object being proven; thesis


bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs




[635] 1) las don/ ... 

2) rtags la brten nas bsgrub rgyu'i chos dang chos can tshogs pa ste/ sgra mi rtag pa lta bu'o/ ming gi rnam grangs la/ chos dang chos can gyi tshogs don dang de sgrub kyi phyogs/ de sgrub kyi dam bca' rnams so/ ...


what is under consideration, object being proved, thesis, assertion, 1 of 27 coincidences in astrology, SA sbyor ba nyer bdun, something to realize


1) the goal to be accomplished [work]; 

2) the object of practice [diety etc]; 

3) the thesis to be proven [logic] [depending on a reason the thesis comprised of dharma and dharmin [predicate and subject] to be proven, eg "sound is impermanent.} syn: chos dang chos can gyi tsogs don dang de sgrub kyi phyogs, de sgrub kyi dam bca' [object to be proven, probandum, that which is to be proven, assertion, claim, promise.]. 

1) the goal to be accomplished, task, duty, job [work]; 2) the object of practice [deity etc]; 3) the thesis to be proven [logic]; 4) subject, theme, topic


the object to be accomplished; the object of accomplishment, [often the deity]; object to be proven, probandum, that which is to be proven, thesis, assertion, claim, promise. probandum [ggd]. probandum, proposition. that which is to proven, object to be proven, probandum
