

adjective: stable; firm; steadfastverb: have faith in; believe in; trust


{C}firmness; firm position; eternal; steadfast; propped up; supported; basis; receptacle; physical/bodily basis; body; based on; by resorting to (as a foundation); foundation; courage(ous); steadily wise; resolve; vow


brton wa brtan/ rton/ brtand/ rtond/


sthira. sthairya. dhIra. dhRti


{LCh,C,MSA}dRdha; {C}dRDhatA; {L,MSA}*; {MSA}*; {MSA}*; {MSA}*; {L}dhruva; {C}nirUDhi; {C}upastabdha; {L}Azraya; {L}vrata; {MSA}yid brtan pa = vaizvAsika


[1122] 1. rton pa'i 'das pa dang ma 'ongs pa/ 2 ... .1) skar ma brtan pa/ ... ming gi rnam grangs la rkang steng bu dang/ gan rkyal bu/ rgyu skar tog stod phur/ snang ldan shing rta/ gza' yi rten/ lugs bzang skyes/ gser phur bcas so/ 2) (mngon) 1/ khyab 'jug ... 2/ mkhas pa/ ... 3/ sa gzhi'am snod kyi 'jig rten/ ... 4/ lha dbang phyug chen po/ ... 3. brtan po dang 'dra/


SW added Eng. "verb: have faith in; believe in; trust" and ex 2


gADha. sthAvara. sthita. dRDhatva. dRDha. dhairya. vizvasta. vairya


firm control, to form, to fully establish, familiarity, stabilize, stable, steadfast, polar star, firm, steadfast, safe, firmness, earth, fixed star, continuous, ever remain, remain, steady, constant, perpetual, pole-star, stable, to place on, placed upon


1. relied on [p f rton pa]; 2) fixed star [syn: rkang steng bu, gan rkyal bu, rgyu skar tog stod phur, snang ldan shing rta, gza' yi rten, lugs bzang skyes, gser phur] 3) Vishnu; 4) Learned; 5) the world (6) the deity dbang phyug chen po (7) firm[ness], steadfast, safe, stabilize, stable, steady. 1) relied on [p f rton pa]; 2) fixed star * three Vishnu; 4) Learned; 5) the world; 6) the deity dbang phyug chen po; 7) firm[ness], steadfast, safe, stabilize, stable, steady


stability; (to make) stable/ stabilize; to reinforce (one of seven vajra qualities)


ft. of {rton pa}; pf. of {rton pa}; 1) to make stable, stabilize; be stabilized, reinforce; 2) dependable; stable; firm, solid, steadfast, steady; safe, 3) firmness, stability; ex {ting 'dzin brtan pa} to have firm concentration. steadfastness


Mahvyutpatti 1: dhīraḥ धीरः