

aggregate; mental and physical aggregates


{C}pile; category; mass; heap; trunk; shoulder; group; bulk




{LCh,C,MSA,MV}*; {C,L}rAzi


[1716] ... 

1) rdul rdzas sam rgyun snga phyi'i cha bsags pa'i gong bu/ ... sa'i phung po/ ... rdo phung/ ... shing phung/ ... 'bru rigs phung por spung ba/ ... bka' drin gyi phung po bgrang bar mi nus pa/ ... tsher ma'i phung po'i steng du 'dug pa dang 'dra/ ... 

2) ro/ ... shi ba'i phung po mer sreg ... 

3) (rashi) tshogs pa'am spungs pa'i don te/ rigs mthun gyi chos du ma spungs pa'am/ de nyid kyi khyad par thams cad 'dus pas na phung po zhes bya'o/ ... 

4) (mngon) phung po la gzugs dang/ tshor ba dang/ 'du shes dang/ 'du byed dang/ rnam shes lnga yod pas grangs lnga mtshon/ ...



1 གཟུགས 

2 ཚོར་བ

3 འདུ་ཤེས

4 འདུ་བྱེད

5 རྣམ་པར་ཤེས་པ



(1) form (rUpa); 

(2) feeling (vedanA); 

(3) discrimination (saMjJA); 

(4) compositional factors (saMskAra); 

(5) consciousness (vijJAna)




*. 445 III 57.1 ff.


skandhas, psycho-physical constituents, bodies, aggregates, mental & physical aggregates, body-mind, corpse, contrivance, constitution, fabrication, heaps, pile, SA nye bar len pa'i phung po, nyer len phung po, ming bzhi dang gzugs, bundle, herd, piled-up hill, peak, mound, agglomeration of component parts, embodiment


1) particle [R]; 

2) collection, accumulation; 

3) pile, heap, mound, hill, bundle; 

4) lump, mass [R]; 

5) corpse [R] 

(6) (rashi) accumulation, heap [R] 

(7) five (met) [R] 

(6) physical body 

(7) [recurrent] calamity, destruction, ruin, defeat, devastation, danger[ous], disaster[ous] (

8) skandhas [parts to an individual, [mental and physical] aggregates, component, heaps, [psyco-physical] [constituents]

(9) herd, flock). 

1) particle, thngs or in time collection, pile, heap, accumulation gong bu [//sa'i phung po,//rdo phung,//shing phung,//'bru rigs phung por spung ba,//bka' drin gyi phung po bgrang bar mi nus pa,//tser ma'i phung po'i steng]; 

2) corpse [//shi ba'i phung po mer sreg]; 

3) (rashi) accumulation, heap, [rigs mthun gyi chos du ma spungs pa'am, de nyid kyi khyad par thams cad 'dus pas na phung po zhes bya'o]; 

4) five (met) [as there are five skandhas] aggregates, the heaps (parts to an individual), mental and physical aggregates, component - corpse, heap, skandha, psyco-physical constituents, mass, accumulation, mental and physical aggregates, physical body, psychophysical, recurrent calamity. 

1) particle; 

2) collection, accumulation; 

3) pile, heap, mound, hill, bundle; 

4) lump, mass, form, body, structure; 

5) corpse; 

6) (rashi accumulation, heap; 

7) five; 

6) physical body; 

7) [recurrent] calamity, destruction, ruin, defeat, devastation, danger[ous], disaster[ous]; 

8) skandhas; 

9) herd, flock


mind-body/ psychophysical aggregate(s); (physical) remains; physical mass (of the body); heap/ collection


a mass of light masses, འཇའསྲིནགྱིཕུང་པོ mass of rainbow-hued clouds. ཕུང་པོ the body. disaster, destruction, ruin, defeat, devastation, disaster, destruction, ruin, defeat, dangerous, disastrous, mass, heap. aggregate; aggregates, the heaps [parts to an individual], mental and physical aggregates, component. corpse, heap, *, psycho-physical constituents, mass, accumulation, mental and physical aggregates, physical body, psychophysical, recurrent calamity. psychophysical aggregate; (physical) remains; physical mass (of the body); heap, *, aggregate, psycho-physical constituents. Skandhas. Gathering or aggregation of many parts. See 'five skandhas/ aggregates.'
