

by, in consequence of, because, as, since, when, sign of comparative, question particle, "causal" connective, adverbializer, implies causation


1) pa + instrumental 2) (vb +--) because; 3) (vb +--) question marker; 4) by, in consequence of, because, as, since, when, since that is so [bas after da ra la vowels. 1) pa + instr; 2) (vb +-- because; 3) (vb +-- ?; 4) by, in consequence of, because, as, since, when, since that is so *, = pa red,


1) pa + instrumental particle. 2) [vb. +--] because. 4) [vb. +--] question marker. 5) by, in consequence of, because, as, since, when. and so