

excellent; the ultimate; highest


{C}highest; best; supreme; unsurpassed; utmost; finest; very fine; excellent; highly; exceedingly; completely; foremost; most; farthest; most excellent; top; beginning; boon; choicest; supreme; a person of authority core; substance; of substantial excellence; good


parama. sat. agra. vara


{LCh,C}*; {C}pravara; {C}uttama; {LCh,C,MSA,MV}*; {MSA}para; {MSA}paramata; {C}*; {C}zreSTha; {C}*; {C}sAra (=pradhAna); {C}pradhAna


[1246] 1. འགས་པ ... 2 ... .

1) yang dag pa dang/ mchog tu gyur pa/ ... don dam pa/ ... skyes bu dam pa/ ... blo gros dam pa/ ... 

2) shi mkhan gyi zhe sa/ ... pha dam pa/ ... slob dpon dam pa/ ... rgyal po dam pa/ ... 

3) dam po dang 'dra/


sthira. dRDha. paramatA. agrya


true, pure, just right, together (bodily tactile), reliable, solid, decent, real, ultimately real, sublime, most excellent, worthy person, worthwhile, holy persons, learned, best, sacred, sanctity, excellent, superior, best, steady, firm, tight, holy, deceased, the late, holiness, the good, the late, the deceased, supreme state, authentic, elevated


1) good, the best, most superior, excellent; 

2) the late, the deceased [h] [Pha dam pa,...Slob dpon dam pa,...Rgyal po dam pa]; 

3) comp [Dam po] narrow, tight[ness]; 

4) holy, sacred, perfect, consecrated, sublime 

(6) bound by an oath, vow, 

(7) noble, eminent

 (8) true, genuine. 

1) good, the best, most superior, excellent; 

2) the late, the deceased [h]; 

3) [comp Dam po] narrow, tight[ness]; 

4) holy, sacred, perfect, consecrated, sublime; 

6) bound by an oath, vow; 

7) noble, eminent; 

8) true, genuine


sacred (i.e., things)/ holy (i.e., people); holy master


Dampa; Syn ཕ་དམ་པ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ Phadampa Sangye. 

1) the best, most superior, excellent, holy, sacred. most holy, perfect, holy. true, holy, sacred, sublime, best, superior, excellent. Syn འཕགས་པ noble, eminent. true, holy, pure; sacred (i.e. things)/ holy (i.e. people); 1b) the holy ones, sublime masters 

2) the late, the deceased 

3) adj. comp. of དམ་པོ 

4) a good, 

5) bound by an oath, vow, consecrated, tightness; unfettered. authentic, genuine, sacred, true [thd]. genuine, true, sacred, authentic
