

[57] 1. dga' ba/ ... mes rgyal la blo dkar ba/ ... chos la dkar ba/ ... 2. mdog dkar po dang 'dra/


zuklatva. zveta




hang up, weigh, white


1) be sympathetic towards, be interested in, like, enjoy; 2) comp {dkar po} white, pure, good, virtuous, wholesome, positive; 3) whitish, gray, pink, rose- colored register shining white; 4) be sincere towards; 5) select, put aside, separate; 6) white rice/ food; 7) window- hole,, white-wash, clean food; 8) lenten diet; 9) porcelain, china-ware


chos la dkar ba - well-disposed toward the Dharma. white, pure. pf. of {dgar ba}; 1) adj. comp. of {dkar po}. 2) to be sympathetic towards. 3) interested in. 4) have faith in. 5) like. 6) be sincere towards. 7) white. 8) pure. 9) virtuous. 10) wholesome. 11) positive. 12) select. 13) put aside. 14) separate. 15) whitish. 16) gray. 17) morally good. 18) white rice. 19) light-gray. 20) window-hole. 21) rose-colored. register. 22) light-red. 23) white-wash. 24) clean food. 25) lenten diet. 26) porcelain. 27) china-ware. 28) shining white. virtuous {las dang 'bras bu gnyis ka dkar ba gzugs khams dang gong ma myong byed kyi las} actions and results, which are both 'virtuous', are actions which cause experience in the form realms and upper realms
