

affliction; afflictive emotions


{C}be afflicted; to resist(?)


{LCh,C,MV}kleza; (_/kliz): {MSA}klizyate; {C}klizyati; {MSA;MV}kliSTa; {MSA}saMkliSTa; {C}vihanyate


[970] (kleshaH) lus sems gdung ba'i dka' las sam ngal dub dang/ mi dge ba'i las bskul bas rang rgyud rab tu ma zhi bar byed pa'i sems byung/ ...


Comment: The afflictive emotions are commonly identified as the six root afflictions and the twenty secondary afflictions ( རྩ་ཉོན, mUlakleza). 

The six root afflictions are: desire ( འདོད་ཆགས, rAga); 

(2) anger (khong khro, pratigha); 

(3) pride (nga rgyal, mAna); 

(4) ignorance ( མ་རིག་པ, avidyA); 

(5) doubt (the tshom, vicikitsA); 

(6) afflicted view (lta ba nyon mongs can, kliSTa-dRSTi). 

The twenty secondary afflictions (nye nyon nyi shu, upakleza): (1) belligerence (khro ba, krodha); (2) resentment ('khon 'dzin, upanAha); (3) concealment ('chab pa, mrakSa); (4) spite ('tshig pa, pradAsa); (5) jealousy (IrSyA); (6) miserliness (mAtsarya); (7) deceit (sgyu, mAyA); (8) dissimulation (g.yo, zAThya); (9) haughtiness (rgyags pa, mada); (10) harmfulness (rnam par 'tshe ba, vihiMsA); (11) non-shame (ngo tsha med pa, AhrIkya); (12) non-embarrassment (khrel med, anapatrApya); (13) lethargy (rmugs pa, styAna); (14) excitement (rgod pa, auddhatya); (15) non-faith (ma dad pa, Azraddhya); (16) laziness (le lo, kausIdya); (17) non-conscientiousness (bag med pa, pramAda); (18) forgetfulness (brjed nges pa, muSita-smRtitA); (19) non-introspection (shes bzhin ma yin pa, asaMprajanya); (20) distraction (rnam par g/yeng pa, vikSepya).




these three are specified as "afflictive"


afflictive emotion, addiction (affect). Skt. kleza. Thurman. ego-logical emotions. Germano, Poetic Thought 872.


klesha, emotions, emotional (responses, imbalance, disturbing processes, instability, upset, obscuration), gloomy, depressed, worried, vexed, (conflicting, turbulent, disturbing, negative) emotions, instinctive forces, passions, affliction, defilement


klesha[s] [sems kyi rgyu'am byed pa ma zhi ba, [turbulent] emotion, negative, emotional defilement [klesha] passions, affliction, emotionality, delusion, affect, bad thought, addiction, conflicting emotions [Gd-mk] disturbed/fettering passions, something that is difficult, hardship, that which muddies the stream of awareness lus sems gdung ba'i dka' las sam ngal dub dang, mi dge ba'i las bskul bas rang rgyud rab tu ma zhi bar byed pa'i sems byung


afflictive emotion; emotionally tainted


Skt. kleshas. Emotions, conflicting/negative/obscuring. affliction [thd]. klesha 

1) disturbed, weary/ troubled/ miserable; turbulent. 

2) disturbing emotions, negative emotion. passions, affliction, emotionality, delusion, affect, bad thought, conflicting emotions, fettering passions; [something that is difficult which muddies the stream of awareness], hardship; 

Def: སེམས་ཀྱིརྒྱུབྱེད་པམ་ཞི་བ
