part; factor; an odd number (see example 

2); all of (the parts of something; see example 

3). portion


{C}pair; fraction; place; region; rain; fitting; proper; seemly


kalA. pratirUpa. bhAga


{LCh}aMza; {LCh}*; {C,MSA}*; {C}deza; {L}tamA; {L}tamI; {C}*; {MSA}tulya; {MSA}zrutka


[772] bod yig gsal byed drug pa 'di'i nga ro 'don tshul la skye gnas rkan dang/ byed pa lce dbus/ nang gi rtsol ba mgrin pa phye ba dang/ phyi'i rtsol ba srog chen sgra med/ ... 1. 1) ming gzhi'i ma ning yi ge zhig ... 2) brjod bde'i dbang gis drangs pa'i ming gi cha shas shig ... skad cha/ ... dgos cha/ ... rgyan cha/ ... dpe cha/ ... mtshon cha/ ... yig cha/ ... ras cha/ ... lag cha/ ... 2 ... .1) zung/ ... cha sgrig pa/ ... cha 'grig pa/ ... cha min ya min/ ... lham cha gnyis/ ... gdung ma ring thung phra sbom cha ma yin pa/ ... 2) rgyus mnga'/ ... cha ma mchis/ ... gar song cha med/ ... sang phod than pa gtong gi yin min da lta cha ma 'tshal/ ... 3) dum bu'am tshan khag ... brgya cha/ ... stong cha/ ... stod cha/ ... smad cha/ ... thob cha/ ... chag cha/ ... 'phar cha/ ... zla ba'i dkar cha/ ... byi la ni gcan gzan gyi char gtogs pa red/ ... 4) 'phrin/ ... cha skur ba/ ... phan tshun gyi bar du ngag thog nas cha 'bul ba/ ... 5) gos kyi zheng tshad/ ... mi gzugs stobs chen po la gyon pa cha chen po dgos/ ...


Is example 2 correct—an odd number of opposite form being something should be opposite from being something? {T}


Stein. (16) 'digits' of the moon, symbolic for byang sems dkar po.


relates to, means, even, pair, set, part, fraction, share, portion, anything divided, news, intelligence, word, sound, prospect, auspices, things, 1/16 part of month, particle, factor, side, couple, equivalent, pair, match, fraction particle, on the side of, aspects, positive force, quality


CHA, side, fraction, portion, share, part[ial], aspect, pair, match, side, direction, division, mode, factor, choosy, same, the aspect of/ -ness, together


(kyi) + - quality; aspect/ side; (component) factor; isc. point of view/ perspective; isc. what pertains to (something). {. . . gi cha nas} from the point of view/ perspective of . . . ; from the aspect of . . .


factors, parts [ggd]. 

1) the letter . 

2) fraction, portion, share, part. 

3) aspect, pair, match, side, direction, part, division, partial, choosy, mode, factor, certainty. 

4) to change an adjective to its abstract noun form. 

5) same, 

6) onomatopoeia. aspect, part, quality [thd]