

verb: to harm; injurenoun: harm; injury; damage; vessel; molestation


{C}feel ill-will; exert withdrawal; removal; doing harm; distress; trouble; attack; non-meaning; harmful; misfortune; evil; non benefit; disturbing the peace of; is sacked; sacking; {GD:779} refuting


bAdhA. saMbAdha. apakAra. vighAta. upakrama. upaghAta. upatApin. upadrava


{N}upakAra; {N}bAdhana; {C}vyApada; {MSA,N}*; {MSA}*; {MSA}upa _/hR (or apa _/kR?); {MSA}*; {MSA}vyasana; {MSA}*; {C,MSA}*; {C,MSA}*; {C}*; {C}anartha; {C}anupakAra; {C}vyAbAdha; {C}ghAta; *


[1553] 1.(tha dad pa) mi bde ba'am 'gal rkyen byed pa/ ... gnod pa sel ba/ ... nad kyis lus la gnod pa/ ... sad ser gyis lo tog la gnod pa/ ... dkrug shing brgyab nas mthun sgril la gnod pa/ ... 

2 ... .1) nyer 'tshe/ ... dug sbrul gso ba'i mi de la/ mjug tu sbrul gyis gnod pa byed/ ... 2) sdug bsngal ba/ ...


Comment: I use this translation-equivalent because, although by extension the term means "refute" or "contradict," I often find Sanskrit and Tibetan philosophical terminology to be far richer in its literal meaning than in its rerendering into what some English-speaking scholars have identified as its philosophical meaning. Much of the psychological punch (pun intended) is lost in such translations.


kaTuka. kAraNA. kRcchra-saMbAdha. kSati. khareNa-AbAdhena. graha. pIDA. pratyapakAra. ruja. roga. raudra. an-artha. a-pathya. abhidrohiNI. a-hitatva. a-hita. ahita. AbAdhatA. AbAdha. Iti. utpIDana. utpIDA. upaghAtaka. upatApanatA. upatApa. uparodhana. aupakramika. /bandh:bAdhyate. vyathA. vyAdhi. vyAbAdhya


harm, injure. Sometimes more nicely translatable as 'undermine.'


negative, bent on evil, useless, evil, mischief, injury, harm, damage, cause illness, to injure, SA sdug bsngal, counteracts, be harmed by


1) (Tha dad pa) produce harm or unhappiness, ill health; 

2) be harmed, pain suffering, hurt, [do] harm, injure [-y], damage, inflict injury, hurt


(to do/ cause/ bring) harm; to be disproved/ harmed/ under attack (in logic); isc. to undermine


negativities. {gnod pa, gnod pa, gnod pa} trans. v.; 

1) to do harm, cause harm, bring harm, hurt, injure, damage, inflict injury. 2) harm, hurt, injury. 

3) disproved [logically], invalidate, discredit. to refute [ggd]. to spoil {me tog gi kha dog dang dri la mi gnod par me tog gi ro myang nas 'gro ba dang 'dra ba} taking nectar from the flowers and leaving without spoiling their color or fragrance. discredit, flawed, harm, impair [thd]
